Friday 13 November 2015

Elephone QQ concept phone

Elephone QQ concept phone

As we all know Elephone never seem to stand in one place for too long, we are constantly seeing new models and product lines from the Shenzhen based phone maker.
I have today received images of a new Elephone QQ concept phone, the phone is not confirmed for production and not much is known about the hardware specifications, or the price range that the phone would be aimed at, however what we can see is a new style direction from Elephone.
Its certainly different from the run of the mill designs we have been used too, I am not quite sure what too make of it.
On the one hand it has very bold futuristic styling, on the other hand it looks a little plasticky, this could be down to it being simply a concept piece that is not in the finished materials or off finished quality, either way it is definitely a design that will cause much debate, as they say over here in England its very much a Marmite thing (you will either love it or hate it).
What do you think? is this a phone that Elephone should consider putting in to full production? would you like to own a phone like this? perhaps we can give feedback on the Elephone QQ concept phone and mould its future.
Please leave comments and questions belowElephone QQ concept phone 2

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